Young Syrian Refugee Refuses To Leave Dog Behind, Carries Him Throughout 300-Mile Journey To Greece

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The lot of us can relate to this hero boy who fled his war-torn country of Syria with a tiny backpack so he can carry his dog with him. He refuses to leave his poor dog behind.


His reason? ‘’I love my dog,’’ the boy named Aslan told his interviewers. Frankly, you don’t need any more reason than this, for there is nothing grander and more noble than doing something out of love.

Aslan and his fellow refugees were forced to flee their country because of the raging civil war. Aslan is only one of the many Syrian refugees who fled the country with their pets with them.

It’s so nice to see that during these desperate times, people chose not to leave their animal family member behind. Pets are family too and I would do for them what I would for any human member of the family.

At this painful time, his dog has been the sunshine of his life. I understand why he couldn’t leave her behind. I wouldn’t either.

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