You Won’t Believe Who Shows Up At Dog Training And Fits Right In

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This video may not be about a dog, but she sure is every bit like a dog! This pig is no ordinary farm animal; she’s definitely a special one! Babe (the pig in the movie) may be great in herding sheep. But this pig has her own set of tricks that have wowed the crowd!

Meet Amy, the pig who thinks she’s a dog! Oh, and not just that, she’s the “Top Dog” in her canine agility class too! Amy has caught a lot of attention, and she has definitely caught our hearts! As the star student in suburban Seattle dog agility class, she definitely has captivated everyone with her amazing athletic skills! Watch out doggies, you’ve got some tough competition right here! See Amy in action in the video below!

Amy sure is one smart and talented pig! Good job, Amy! Keep up the good work!

Now that’s SOME PIG! Don’t you agree? Leave a comment for talented and cute little Amy!

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