Woman pens heartwarming open letter to ‘the man who made fun of my dog’

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This is Lulu and she is a very good girl.

But some rude man had the nerve to say some extremely impolite words when Lulu and her owner, Imgur user nettieSmasher, walked into the pet store.

The loving owner responded with a moving open letter that is tugging on the internet’s heart strings. The post talks about how nettieSmasher saved Lulu from a life of abuse and, in turn, Lulu sent her owner down a new life path she otherwise would have never discovered.

Read the letter in its entirety below and brace yourself for some serious feels.

“Dear guy who almost fell down laughing and posed the question “What the *f-word* is that thing?” as I was carrying Lulu into the pet store to get a new harness:

I wish you hadn’t ducked into the diner so quickly once you realized that I heard you. I wasn’t mad. I’m not naive, nor am I stupid. I know Lulu has a silly little face. She makes me laugh every day.

This was her first trip out of the house (besides vet appointments). It was a big trip for both of us.

I wish you would have asked to see her or pet her so I could have told you about her. I could have educated you about puppy mills and animal abuse. You would have seen how sweet she is. You would have understood that Lulu looks the way she does because of 8 years of neglect and abuse. And that isn’t funny.

Not that you should be sad. I personally find it inspiring that after all she’s been through she isn’t mean. It’s amazing to me that every day she trusts me a little more; and that simply being able to finally pet her, after a year and a half, fills me with so much joy.

I would have told you about how she initiated my love and desire to care for senior and special needs dogs. And that once I realized that she needed a companion, I met my best friend Cas, a senior dog who happens to be missing a leg. And how adopting Cas introduced me to the rescue group that I now foster for. She started me on a journey that I never imagined for myself, and that’s pretty cool. It makes me smile!

So thank you, somewhat rude guy, for reminding me how lucky I am. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet Lulu. Who knows what wonderful things she might have inspired YOU to do.”

How could you look at that face and have any reaction other than an intense desire to GRAB THAT WITTLE TONGUE OMG.

We sincerely hope these words made their way back to the callous stranger. Now for some bonus Lulu pics!

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