Woman Needs Help Finding Forever Home For A Sick Puppy
Imgur is one of the most popular websites for memes, gifs and hilarious photos. But the users have a serious side as well and one woman has reached out to fellow Imgurians for help. User maribriktc found a very thin dog near her home in El Paso, Texas. He was in a parking lot, clearly malnourished and was so thirsty he was trying to drink from puddles outside of the car wash. She and her husband suspected the pup had been stray for a long time but were shocked to find he had an owner and had just gotten out that very morning.
Due to his condition, maribriktc and her husband convinced his owner to surrender him to them. She had been keeping him crated a little too often and he had stopped eating and drinking regularly, leading to his condition. They took the pup home and discovered he’s a giant sweetheart. Unfortunately, they have a full house of pets that need love and attention too, so adding a new dog would only offer less care for all of them.
Although he’s been great with their other dogs and cats, they’re having a lot of trouble finding this dog a forever home. They’ve gotten replies from many people, but most admittedly want to keep him outside in a yard with minimal human interaction. The couple thought they had found the right home for Miles (as he’s now called), but were saddened to get the call that he’s jumping the fence and is too much for them to handle. The new family offered to take him to the shelter, but maribriktc and her husband won’t allow that to happen.
It’s now up to us, fellow dog lovers! Miles needs a loving, forever home that can offer him the time and attention that he so desperately needs. Let’s see to it that Miles makes a full recovery and never sees the inside of a shelter kennel!
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