Woman Gives Beautiful Send-Off to the Dog She Saved 17 Years Ago

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WARNING!  Break out the tissue boxes folks, it’s going to be one of those stories.


Jesusita had no clue that the stray dog that literally wandered into her life 17 years ago, was going to be the dog that would grow old with her. It didn’t matter that she didn’t have money, and had very little in the way to give materially. These two bonded over a common loneliness, that they would work together to erase over the years.

She would come to name the dog Solovino, which in Spanish means “he came alone.” Over the 17 years they had together, they became inseparable. However as Solovino got older, and it became more difficult for him to take the stairs into their home, Jesusita began to realize that she would one day have to say goodbye.


“We got a call on our hotline from the owner saying that she had a 17-year-old dog and needed help with humane euthanasia and transport,” said Kerry Armstrong in an interview with The Dodo. Armstrong is the founder of Home Dog LA, which was created to be an alternative to a traditional shelter.

“Many people love their animals and don’t want to see them suffer at the end of their life or at the end of a terminal illness, but they do not have the means to pay for euthanasia at a vet,” said Armstrong. “Sometimes they try to bring their animals to the shelter because they think they have no other option.”

Last week, a Home Dog member called Sandra Shadic came to the small apartment Jesusita and Solovino had shared over the past 17 years. They all enjoyed a hamburger together, said their last tearful goodbyes, and Solovino was taken to a local clinic.


Solovino now awaits Jesusita on the other side. She knew from the very moment he wandered into her life that they were meant to grow old together, she just needed a little help with saying goodbye. Thankfully Home Dog and the wonderful people that work so hard to keep people together with their pets until the very last moment she was finally able to.

Please consider making a donation to support Home Dog LA, and the very important work that they do. If you would, please click here for more information on ways to support them. Thank you very much in advance.

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