Woman Adopts Dog For Her 25th Birthday, And Its Before-And-After Photos Say It All

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Sometimes, the best part of birthdays isn’t the gifts you get from others, but the ones you get for yourself. Imgur user ‘jekyllandclyde’ recently turned 25, and she decided to mark the occasion by bringing a special new friend into her life.

She adopted Teddy, a Cattle Dog/Australian Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix with piercing blue eyes and an infectious smile. “He’s definitely a chick magnet. He deserves all the attention he gets,” Teddy’s new owner remarked online. “I thought he was so loving and happy at the humane society… And then I brought him home and those eyes and ears just came to life!”

Not only is Teddy set to help her stay active during the coming harsh winter months, he’s also “got a good snoot to boop.” Really, what more could you ask for?

Scroll down to see Teddy in all his glory, and if you’re thinking of getting a furry friend of your own this holiday season, remember to fully consider if you’re ready to take on the responsibility of keeping them happy and healthy. Also, consider rescuing a dog like Teddy from your local shelter rather than buying from breeders.

This is Teddy, a Cattle/Aussie/Golden Retriever mix, and this is how he looked inside a shelter and at home

His new owner just adopted him as a 25th birthday present to herself

It’s safe to say, they were both very excited about this idea

Teddy now spends his days as a person-walker, a “chick magnet,” and the proud owner of a “good snoot to boop”

“I thought he was so loving and happy at the humane society…”

“And then I brought him home and those eyes and ears just came to life!”

This feel-good story is pretty much exactly what all of us need in our lives right now

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