When You See The Shape This Mom Dog Was In When Rescuers Found Her, You’ll Cry

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On Animal Planet’s Pit Bulls and Parolees, the show aims to fight the stigma surrounding both the breed of dog and the humans looking for a second chance at life.

When their crew came across this mama pup, though, they were in shock at how much she had been through. She walked up to them as soon as they pulled up to her house as if she knew they would be the ones to help her and her babies find a better life.

With her human away in prison, his roommate simply ignored the animals and left them to fend for themselves. Luckily, this amazing crew stepped in to save the day.

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1 comment

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  1. monica

    That great help the mom and puppys that is wonderful she is so sweet.I love the show that help beautiful dogs keep up.

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