Warning: This Puppy Has A Severe Case Of The “Wiggle Butt”

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All dogs get pretty excited to greet their owners when they come home, but this adorable Boxer puppy has a pretty bad case of the wiggles. Viewer discretion is advised; because she’s so cute we can’t even handle it! Bella is the name of this cute pup, and she is probably the funniest little dog we’ve ever seen when it comes to greeting her dad as he walks through the door. Just look at that butt wiggle and wobble around like a fish out of water! If Bella were any cuter, we probably wouldn’t even make it through the video without our hearts exploding! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most adorable Boxer puppy you’ve ever seen in your life!

Thanks to Bella’s mom and dad for getting this awesome video. We absolutely love it! For more videos of the adorable Bella, visit their YouTube channel!

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