Wanted: Soft Bed and Compassion for 14-Year-Old Senior Dog Abandoned by Her Homeless Person

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At the Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control, hearts have broken for Caicos. This 14-year-old girl belonged to a homeless woman who has not been found. Fortunately, the owner’s sister found Caicos just in time; lying amid urine and feces in a tent in a homeless camp.

On February 17, 2024, Caicos arrived at the shelter and will be on stray hold until Monday, February 26. After that date, this sweet senior could be scheduled to be humanely euthanized. Remember, the shelters are full, and Caicos needs more care than the shelter can offer.

Caicos is a geriatric pup who is underweight, has a Grade II heart murmur and most likely is stiff when she gets up as a result of arthritis. She hasn’t been eating much. She is spayed, vaccinated, microchipped and heartworm negative.

Of course, she’s an old gal and doesn’t exhibit much energy. She seems to be comfortable in her bed at the shelter and even when approached, Caicos doesn’t get up to greet anyone.

This wonderful older girl needs urgent rescue due to her age and medical conditions. She’ll need the appropriate care for a girl of her age, cardiac work-up and arthritic support. She also deserves lots of TLC to live out her golden years in comfort. Her medical needs exceed our capacity for care and she needs a rescue to help her leave the shelte

Can anyone find it in their heart to bring this sweet senior girl into their home and give her love and a soft bed?






14 years old and 53 pounds


Breed: DOG
Color: BROWN
Age: 14Y
Intake Date: Feb 17, 2024
Outcome Date: This animal is still in the shelter system.
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