They Wanted To Euthanize Her After Her Breeder Dumped Her, But Rescuers Felt She Was Worth Saving

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Lumen the Great Dane pup was born with congenital abnormalities in her feet and legs. Her toes are basically fused together and unable to spread apart, so she cannot bear any weight. On top of that, she is also deaf. To make matters worse, she was abandoned by her breeder in Mexico when she was only four weeks old because of these deformities.

Thankfully, she was rescued and ended up at Luvable Dog Rescue in Eugene, Oregon. Many people thought it would be best for her to be euthanized, but her rescuers wanted to help her and felt she was worth saving. They weren’t willing to even think about euthanasia as an option.

In order to help her, the vets will have to perform surgery to transform her deformed feet into support systems that will allow her to walk with customized orthotics/prosthetics. Once she gets the surgery, as well as the prosthetics, Lumen will be able to have some mobility and would still have a great quality of life.

Aside from her deformities, she is a happy and healthy pup and should never have been abandoned. But thankfully she won’t ever have to worry about that since she is in great hands now. She has amazing humans to take care of her, and they will show her unconditional love for the rest of her life.

A team of surgeons at the Oregon State University Small Animal Teaching Hospital met and put together a plan for sweet Lumen and all of her future surgeries. She has already had her first surgery on two of her feet and is recovering well; but the recovery is taking longer than expected because she got a bad staph infection that set in while staying at the hospital.

But despite all of that, she is healing well and already walking better! She has a long way to go, but she isn’t any different than other puppies. She is still happy, playful and extremely affectionate.

Follow Lumen’s journey on her Instagram page.

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