He Was Walking Down The Street When He Saw A Strange Looking Dog. When He Looked Closer? OMG.

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The Copa America is an important football (soccer) tournament in Latin America. Cheering for your favorite team adds enjoyment to the event – but a Colombian fan took supporting his team too far. Before Colombia faced off with Costa Rica, Fernando Villanueva, who lives in Medellin, Colombia, took toxic paint and dyed a dog the national colors of Colombia: yellow, red, and blue.


Fernando was so excited and proud of his work, he posted a picture on Facebook. Apparently the puppy doesn’t share in his excitement. A recent law in Colombia issues harsher punishments for people who are cruel to animals – this definitely qualifies as cruelty.


People who want to dye something the colors of the flag should use your own body, or buy your dog a shirt with your countries colors on it. Don’t ruin a dog’s coat (or life) to show support for a team. SHARE if you agree.

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