Veteran and Emotional Support Dog Find Themselves Homeless

I have struggled every day since then paying for multiple hotel costs, then for rooms in shady parts of town, and most recently with a troubled felon – whatever and wherever to keep my dog by my side.  All while waiting for the promised funding from the army to keep Gimli and me safe and sane.

I should be out of the Army in less than five months and I have thrown all of my savings into moving across the world and shelter for my other half. I am desperate and don’t know what to do anymore. The Army has done amazing things for me, but I have fallen through their administrative cracks it seems.

Gimli is a wiggly and bold character. He is now two years old, and as silly and friendly as ever. He is, however, terrified of windshield wipers, for what reason I will never know. Gimli truly has saved my life. He had given me purpose and has led me to my passion in life, which is animal well-being and health.

If you would like to help Darla and Gimli, please CLICK HERE



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  1. Tyler Rafferty

    When you were prescribed your Emotional Support Animal was it by licensed mental health professional and did you receive a letter to give to your landlord(s)? I used MyPetCerts for my ESA letter and have been able to let my 100lb puppy live with me in no-pet housing. If you would like to check them out to see if they can help you and Gimli I can give you a referral code for a discount.

  2. Darryn F.

    Hi, Mr.Dog! Maybe you were given an Emotional Support Animal certificate and a vest with some tags. You need a licensed medical professional to prescribe you ESA prescription letters. I would definitely recommend getting yourself such a letter with Emotional Pet Support at they even offer discount codes too:

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