Vet Works Hard To Figure Out Why Homeless Puppy Can’t Use His Leg

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They don’t know how Elmer the puppy got like this, but when the homeless puppy arrived at Vet Ranch, he was dragging his right front paw on the ground.

Elmer refused to put weight on the leg, despite no visible trauma to the limb.

Dr. Matt couldn’t figure out what what had happened to the friendly little guy, but after observation determined the dog had nerve damage in his leg and would have to lose it.

Watching Elmer’s journey to health and happiness in the video below I couldn’t help but fall in love with Elmer.

Dr. Matt was also impressed with Elmer, so much so that he said the dog was as the closest of any he’s ever treated of being adopted by his family.

Just wait until you see Elmer’s recovery and how he doesn’t let losing a leg slow him down! The puppy may not win any running races, but he sure knows how to win people’s hearts.

The “seriously awesome dog” didn’t have to wait long to find a home either and he has been adopted! Congrats, Elmer!

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