Unleashed Dog Takes Off Running Toward Screaming Child, Reveals The Truth About Pit Bulls

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Many people feel that all pit bulls are dangerous, vicious dogs because of all of the stereotypes out there. But in truth, it’s just some bad owners. Any responsible pit bull owner will tell you just how sweet and loyal the breed actually is. And this story just reaffirms that truth.

Stacie Rae English took to Facebook to tell the heroic story of Hurley the pit bull, and it quickly went viral.

Stacie’s brother was walking Hurley one night as he likes to walk him in the evenings to unleash the dog and let him explore his surroundings. But when the man heard a screaming child, the dog was off and running like never before.

“My brother was walking his pit bull lab mix, Hurley, in our neighborhood field around 10 pm. He walks him this late so he can let him off his leash so he can do what he loves to do, explore all the different smells. They heard a young kid scream and before my brother knew it, Hurley took off after the scream,” Stacie said.

“With my brother close behind, he saw Hurley grab a copper head snake away from the little boy and fling it around, later found out he had killed it. The little boy ran to his mother’s vehicle and drove off so fast that my brother was unable to find out any information on the little boy. (We are assuming because they left so fast that he was bitten and being rushed to the ER) My brother then went on to call animal control and the Highland Village Cops showed up to check out the scene.”

Stacie went on to say, “They asked to take a look at Hurley to see if he was bitten. To my brothers surprise, he was bleeding, had a swollen neck and foaming from his mouth. Sure enough, they found two puncture wounds in his upper lip. Shelby rushed Hurley to Denton Animal Emergency Hospital where he stayed the night so they could check his blood clotting ability multiple times throughout the night.”

“Shelby and Hurley both got home this morning. Thank God, Hurley is doing a lot better this morning, just seems a little uncomfortable with his swollen face and neck.”

Wow, what a close call!

“It was later discovered the little boy had come across a copper head nest and hopefully Hurley prevented him from getting bitten, or at least getting bitten multiple times. We are still trying to find out who the little boy is and make sure he is okay. Here’s our hero pit bull. I’d like for his story to get around for those who judge his breed,” Stacie said.

Amazing! The world needs to know the truth about pit bulls, and this story is a great place to start. 🙂

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