Unconscious Dog Pulled From Smoky Building Is Saved Thanks To New Firefighter Procedure

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Firefighters are true heroes, and they put their lives on the line to save anyone or anything. So I’m all for anything that will make their jobs easier. Thanks to some specially-designed pet oxygen masks, firefighters have a much greater chance of saving an animal’s life after pulling one from a smoke-filled building. It makes all the difference to not have to struggle to place a mask made for a human face over a dog’s nose. The video below is a great example of how seamless this new procedure can make reviving an unconscious pet.

As said by the licensor of the video: “West Midlands Fire Service is the second largest in the UK outside of London. Fire engines based at each of its thirty-eight fire stations now carry specially-designed oxygen masks to use on pets that have been overcome by the effects of smoke in a fire. There are three reusable masks in each kit, each of different sizes, several of which have been provided by public donation and in conjunction with the Smokey Paws charity. Within days of the masks going into use, firefighters based at Billesley in Birmingham, UK used one to revive the puppy seen in the video, which was captured by firefighters on mobile phones and body-worn cameras. The animal had been overcome by smoke in a domestic fire.”

These new oxygen masks for pets are brilliant, and we hope the idea catches on all over. If firefighters have these special masks on them at all times, the number of pets saved from fires can only skyrocket!

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