Two Pit Bull Brothers On The Loose Were So Scared, One Peed As He Walked Around

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Hope For Paws received a call about two homeless pit bull brothers wandering the streets of Los Angeles. Eldad and Loreta arrived to see them darting across a busy road, so they led the dogs to safety with the help of some cheeseburgers.

The dogs followed them to a synagogue’s parking lot where someone was able to close the big gate and trap them inside. The pit bulls were so scared, the one kept peeing as he walked away from the rescuers. They would try their best to escape, but Lucky Leashes were placed on both of them before they could do so!

With both dogs together, they were able to relax and accepted the touch of the rescuers. Eldad and Loreta fed the dogs a little more before loading them into the same crate in their vehicle. The two immediately cuddled up and stayed close.

Back at the Hope For Paws’ facilities, the brothers were still a little nervous. But the rescuers had an idea on how to fix that: give them a bath together. And, what do you know, it did the trick and put a wag on both of their tails! 🙂

The pit bulls were named Goofy and Pluto and placed into foster care. Three days later, their true personalities started to shine through as they got used to their new surroundings. They are the sweetest dogs anyone could ever ask for!

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