Traveling From Work, Guy Saw Something Black And Furry On Cliff

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While a man made his way home from work by foot on a chilly winter day, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. A dog lay helpless, curled up in the snow, a blanket of white covering her body. The man was distraught. The poor pup was in obvious distress. He took out his phone and called his wife. She heard his heartbreaking plea and drove straight over. She couldn’t believe the dog’s circumstances. The dog was alive but barely. They had to act swiftly.

The man and woman tried to wrap the pup in a blanket and pick her up, but she let out a painful cry. This rescue wasn’t going to be easy! They took another blanket from the car and created a makeshift stretcher. They rolled her on top of it and carefully carried her to their vehicle. Once inside, they cranked the heat on full blast to warm her up. They named the dog Aza.

Aza was brought to her new home and placed in the couple’s living room. They lit a fire and did all they could to make her comfortable. Amazingly, the dog began to perk up. She still had a long way to go, but any improvement was a victory! While she felt better, she still was hesitant around her new humans. It was obvious she had been wronged by people before.

As time went on, Aza recovered completely. She became more receptive to human touch, even nuzzling into her mom and dad’s hands as they pet her. The pup once abandoned and alone in the harsh winter conditions, now had a bright future ahead of her.

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