Tiny Dog Sat Frozen In Fear Waiting On Someone To Change His Mind About Humans
Hope For Paws set out for a rescue after receiving a call about a dog paralyzed by fear. When they arrived, they saw the tiny frightened dog cowering in the corner. Loreta and Eldad approached slowly as not to spook him to where he’d take off running.
The little guy was so scared and still that they had to wonder if he was injured. Loreta placed the Lucky Leash around the nervous dog and spent a few minutes to try and calm him down a little bit. They named him Scooby-Roo and set off for the hospital.
Scooby-Roo started to relax once he was in the vehicle and on Loreta’s lap. After a warm bath and some medical care, the good boy was off to his foster at The Forgotten Dog Foundation. Rehabilitation takes some time, but thanks to the love and care he received Scooby-Roo is the sweetest and happiest little dog! He still needs a forever home. 🙂
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