Tiny Dog Experiences The World From Aboard Her Saint Bernard Brother’s Back
When Lulu the Japanese Chin was a tiny puppy, she took comfort in nestling in the warm, thick hair on her brother Blizzard’s back. At 126 pounds, the gentle Saint Bernard made little Lulu feel safe and protected.
Soon she wasn’t just sleeping on Blizzard, she was riding him like a mini cowgirl on a pony! Wherever her big brother goes, Lulu is sure to be happily astride his back.
Blizzard may be big, but his owner David Mazzarella says that little Lulu definitely wears the pants in the relationship. Mazzarella describes Blizzard as “the most laid back dog…tolerant of everything,” whereas Lulu “always gets her way.”
As you can imagine, Blizzard and Lulu make quite the splash when they head out on the town. Mazzarella told Bored Panda:
“When Lulu is on Blizzard’s back in public there is usually a large group of people taking photos,”
The pair love to explore the beautiful landscapes across North America with their dad.
From the mountains…
To the valleys…
The forests…
And the shores of the ocean…
They certainly don’t mind getting their paws dirty. But like most dogs, they enjoy their leisure time, too.
According to Mazzarella, Blizzard “doesn’t have a mean bone in his body” and happily carries Lulu wherever she wants to go.
When she is tired of walking and ready for a ride she will hop up and down to let Blizzard know she’s ready to climb aboard.
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