Tiny chihuahua sits on friend’s back at shelter. Together they waited to get adopted together

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According to Psychology Today, dogs, in particular, are extremely prone to bonding as a result of domestication. They explain, “We have genetically manipulated [dogs] to socialize easily and to show friendliness almost indiscriminately.”

There’s more to it than that though, with Angus Post reporting that dogs are able to form bonds for a variety of reasons, including grief, work, trauma, and proximity.
Two Arizona pups named Bonnie and Clyde are a stunning example of a bonded pair, providing each other with comfort and loving support during both the good times and the bad.

Nicknamed “The Valley’s furry darlings” by 12News, Bonnie and Clyde were found roaming the hot Arizona streets together and were quickly picked up by Maricopa County Animal Care & Control (MCACC).

Realizing the two were a bonded pair, MCACC workers did not split them up. But it wasn’t until the dogs were kenneled together that they realized the extent of their deep connection.

According to 12News, Bonnie, the 6-year-old Labrador retriever, spends most of her time carrying Clyde, the tiny Chihuahua mix, on her back. When the two aren’t sitting upright or standing, they can usually be found cuddled up, just enjoying each other’s company.

The bond between Bonnie and Clyde was extremely clear to the MCACC, who were adamant that the two be adopted together.

Splitting the two up would no doubt lead to them experiencing severe anxiety and trauma. Emily Gear, founder, executive director and president of the Louie’s Legacy rescue organization tells SheKnows.com:

“If a pair is truly a bonded pair, and their relationship with one another is balanced and healthy, splitting them up can cause a grieving period and contribute to considerable behavioral turmoil in a new home.”

MCACC took to Facebook, writing:

After seeing Bonnie and Clyde on the MCACC Facebook page, people worldwide found themselves charmed by their connection, with many media outlets picking up the story.

The post garnered a ton of attention, with many people stepping up to adopt the bonded pair.

In the end, however, Bonnie & Clyde found their forever home with the Hayes family, with MCACC updating:

People are thrilled that the pair was able to be adopted out together.

The Hayes family has even updated everyone with pictures, and, by all appearances, Bonnie & Clyde have been able to make themselves right at home!

It’s so great to see people stepping up to find these dogs a great home, all the while respecting such a remarkable and inseparable bond!

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