Three-pound puppy Calypso rescued from disturbing case of neglect

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Meet Calypso; just a five-month-old Chihuahua who weighs three-pounds and who tries to itch with every step she takes. What was once a simple case of mange and easily cured by bringing the puppy to a veterinarian for treatment, this innocent little one’s condition was ignored.  And over months – not just days, Calypso continued to suffer. On Friday, Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs came to her rescue.

“There are no words for the shape Calypso arrived in today. She’s only 5-6 months … Her eyes are watering constantly from all the irritation. This has developed over months, not days…. how this happened, how someone watched this happen, how long has this baby been suffering? She’s under medical watch now, antibiotics, pain meds, small frequent meals…”, the group posted to their Facebook page to update their followers after the puppy’s disturbing photo was posted.

Demodectic mange in dogs is a common infestation of the dog’s skin composed of tiny, cigar-shaped, eight-legged mites that live and feed in the hair follicles. It is not as severe as Sarcoptic mites (often called scabies), and many times can resolve itself, however dogs with suppressed immune systems can present with more serious cases. With Calypso, her mange has been compounded by a severe skin infection accompanying a possible blood infection; attributed to neglect. The puppy is now being treated and will remain at the organization’s veterinary partner until she is strong enough to be fostered. 

To help with Calypso’s care, donations can be made here  or by mail to Second Chance Rescue, PO Box 570701 Whitestone, New York 11357.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

(Photo and video courtesy of Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs)

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