This Puppy Was Going To Be Killed For Being Different. Love However, Had A Different Ending In Mind

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When we are born, we’re all a little different. Some more so than others. Whether it’s eye color, size or shape, it’s our differences that make us who we are. They make us unique. But could you imagine loving a newborn any less because of something that made it different. Such was the case for one little puppy.

Meet Deuce. After being born with just two legs, this playful pup was set to be euthanized. His original owners believed that there was something wrong with little Deuce. He was different. Sadly, Deuce would have never known what it was like to play with other dogs or to curl up and snuggle with his loving owner. Or the odd sensation of his leg twitching uncontrollably as his belly was rubbed. All because he was a little different.

Thankfully, the caring folks at the Evergreen Animal Protective League heard about little Deuce and decided that his fate was to be different. He would have a life…a family. They just needed to find the right person, with a special heart.

Meet Ken Rogers (no, not the gambler!) and his wife Melissa. These were just the special people that the rescue had been hoping for. So great was their heart for dogs that they instantly fell in love with Deuce, not seeing him as a pup missing two legs, but as a beautiful little dog missing a home.

For some the responsibility of raising a special needs puppy might have been too much, but this amazing couple had a secret weapon. Experience. See, Deuce wasn’t their first two-legged companion. Ten years prior, they had adopted KanDu who was also missing his front legs from birth.

So now, Deuce and the rest of the Rogers’ dogs enjoy a healthy, happy, normal life. As humans, there is a lot we can learn from Deuce and his owners. We’re all a little different…and that’s what makes us special.

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