This Puppy Conquers The Stairs In The Most Adorably Awkward Way Ever.

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We just love to see puppies doing things for the very first time. Their cuteness is just so irresistible! And now you’re going to see one of those puppy’s “first” moments. These two Pit Bull puppies are trying to conquer the stairs for the first time!

These two puppies are trying so adorably to go down the stairs. You can hear them crying, but don’t worry, they’ll be okay. Their human mom is there to motivate them to conquer the stairs. Clyde, one of the puppies is so brave, he’s going down one step at a time. Will he be able to go down the stairs successfully? Watch the video below and find out!

Awwww…what a good boy you are Clyde! Good job! You conquered the stairs one step at a time!

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