This Man Is Homeless – What The Dog Does Filled My Eyes With Tears

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This video about homeless pets is inspiring. There are photos of all the dogs and cats and they have something in common. Their owners are homeless and this means that they are, too. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t loved. Many of them are loved more. Pets are capable of unconditional love and it is their love that keeps the homeless going. The owners and the pets are taking care of each other and it can bring you to tears.

Watching a man and a dog cuddling on the street is absolutely heartbreaking. What you may not realize is that many of the abandoned dogs and cats are being taken in by the homeless. Further, many of the shelters, hostels, and day centers will not accept homeless people who have pets. This means they are sacrificing their shelter and their own food to take care of their pets. And they are happy to do so.

Pets of the Homeless is an organization that is trying to make a difference. They are just trying to care for the pets of the homeless. The donations go to deliver food and vaccinations to the pets of the homeless across the country – and this is such an important cause. They are performing miracles daily. Even operations have been performed on pets that were in the need. Even if you pass a homeless person on the street and see them with a dog, drop off some dog bones.

Help in some way. Don’t be so quick to judge. Remember that pets are the glimmer of hope to many of the homeless. The people who are less fortunate than we are need our love. It’s time to do something about it.

You can donate to Pets of the Homeless at any time, and even make the donation in honor of your own pet, who has an owner, a home, and plenty of food and veterinary care throughout the year.

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