This Guy Emptied His Bank Account To Rescue And Adopt A Dog 1500 Miles Away
When you first saw your dog, when you first laid eyes on him or when you first looked at his picture, was it love at first sight?
Love at first sight–that’s exactly what this man named Joel Carpenter felt when he first saw Sadie’s photo. Sadie is a Collie-Husky mix pup who Joel found at PetFinder.com. And when Joel first saw Sadie’s photo, he immediately fell in love with her. But there’s just one problem: Sadie is in Minnesota and Joel lives in Maine. That’s around 1500 miles away.
But that didn’t stop Joel from adopting the dog he fell in love with. He bought a $300 one-way ticket to Minnesota to adopt Sadie. But after he adopted her, he was met with yet another problem: he had no money left to get back home.
Sadie is a beautiful dog and a awesome owner she going to a wonderful life.I am happy that Sadie and her owner going back home safe.I am glad she find a great home with the family and the news people special the lady that help him out.