This Dog Was Tied to a Fire Hydrant and Abandoned

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What would you do if you could no longer take care of your dog?

Tying it to a fire hydrant is certainly not the answer.

And yet, this was exactly what six-year-old Baby Girl went through when her owner decided to give her up. The dog was tied to a fire hydrant with her things inside a big bag, which included toys, treats, and dog food.

What would you do if you could no longer take care of your dog?

Tying it to a fire hydrant is certainly not the answer.

And yet, this was exactly what six-year-old Baby Girl went through when her owner decided to give her up. The dog was tied to a fire hydrant with her things inside a big bag, which included toys, treats, and dog food.

Although her owner might have intended for Baby Girl to survive with a chance to go on enjoying her beloved stuff, Kylie Engelhardt, who found the dog, still thought it was an irresponsible way to dispose of one’s pet. Baby Girl could have been brought to a local no-kill animal shelter, which would surely keep the dog until they find her a new home.

Kylie sat with the dog for a while, comforting her and hoping that her owners would return. But her waiting was in vain. No one had bothered to return. Kylie posted photos of Baby Girl on Facebook, and a lot of people who saw them felt as heartbroken as she was.

Kylie’s next step was to bring the dog to the Green Bay campus of the Wisconsin Humane Society, where she knew Baby Girl would be lovingly welcomed.

The Wisconsin Humane Society immediately took the abandoned dog in and cared for her. They had to put her on stray hold just in case her owner changed their mind and came back for their pet. Nevertheless, even while she was still on hold, many good-hearted people have already expressed their willingness to adopt Baby Girl.

The Wisconsin Humane Society has also posted a message to Baby Girl’s anonymous owner on their Facebook page, the last part of which was: “While we’ll never let fees be a barrier and we welcome anonymous surrenders, we see that you did what you thought was best for your beloved pup, and we are grateful for your compassion. Rest assured that she’s safe, she’s getting tons of attention from our team, and she’s on track to find her next loving family very soon. We wish you all the best and hope that if you see this, you can rest a little easier knowing your Baby Girl has a bright future ahead.”

Whether Baby Girl’s former owner read that message or not, what is important is for Baby Girl to find the caring family that she deserves and a future filled with forever love.

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1 comment

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  1. Lauri Jones

    My thoughts, This is bullshit, This little girl deserves a better home. How dare people do this, left in a world with out the only people this little thing knows. I’m sickened by this. No reason for it.

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