This Dog Is Having A Bad Dream. But Watch What His Friend Does…

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Who said humans are the only ones who can have bad dreams? This adorable little dog is obviously in the midst of having a bad dream. He is tossing and turning on the couch and having a really bad time. He doesn’t have to struggle long, though.

The dark colored dog is named Jackson. He’s having a bad dream. We don’t know what it’s about. Maybe it’s a cat torturing him or maybe it’s his owners leaving him. Whatever it is, he is really struggling and the poor thing cannot wake up from this nightmare.

His friend, a lighter colored dog named Laika, jumps up on the couch. He jumps onto his friend as a way of calming him and they lock eyes for a moment. While they don’t say anything, the eyes are almost as if he’s saying “It’s okay, I’m here now.” Jackson seems to accept this and lays down.

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