They Were Raised On Dog Meat Farms And Terrified Of Humans…But Learned To Trust

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The South Korean dog meat industry is one that most of us would like to pretend doesn’t exist, but the hard truth is that it does. At this very moment, there are thousands of dogs who are awaiting their death in terrible conditions, living in utter fear of all humans.

A lucky few get rescued from this fate, but that’s just the beginning of their journey. For Robin and Kaya, it took tons of care to get them to not think humans were going to treat them like a commodity.

After failing to acclimate at a shelter, Robin and Kaya were sent to ASPCA’s Behavioral Rehabilitation Center.


There, the employees study these severe cases, and find ways to help them become happy dogs.

Kaya could hardly function…


And Robin wanted nothing to do with people and other dogs.

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