The sad eyes of a shepherd who knows he is in danger

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A handsome, young shepherd is locked up inside of a kennel run at a busy California animal control agency. Jorge is just two years of age and already he is homeless. His sad eyes reveal his concern…he seems to know that he is in danger. At the very least, he knows that his family is gone and that he is alone.


Little is known about this handsome shepherd – why is he here? What was his life like before he lost his home? Does he adore chasing after tennis balls? Is he a couch potato?

Nobody will know what Jorge loves if he doesn’t leave the shelter. Jorge has been at the Los Angeles County Downey facility since December 5. Nearly two weeks have passed and this young boy’s stunning good looks have not been enough to get him out of the shelter.

Saving Jorge

You can help Jorge beat the odds by taking a moment to network this article, with his adoption information. Networking saves lives! Somewhere out there is the person who was meant to be this boy’s new owner.

Petharbor link here.

For more information about this animal, call:

Los Angeles County Animal Control – Downey at (562) 940-6898

Ask for information about animal ID number A5241609

Note: All inquiries about this dog must be directed to the animal shelter. The Pet Rescue Report is not the point of contact for Jorge.

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