Terrified 4-month-old puppy tries to sleep his fears of the shelter away

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For anyone who claims they can’t find a puppy to adopt from a shelter and purchases their new best friend from a pet store, a breeder or a puppy mill supplier, check this little guy out. This terrified 4-month-old puppy desperately tries to sleep his fears away. Why would such a cute puppy wind up at Carson Animal Care? Was he an Easter present to a child? Did the family figure out puppies need attention and care? Did the family get bored and impatient with having to train and care for this little one?

Click here for this pup’s Pet Harbor listing. “I am described as a male, white Poodle – Miniature. The shelter thinks I am about 4 months old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 20, 2017.” For more information about this animal, call Los Angeles County Animal Control – Carson at (310) 523-9566. Ask for information about animal ID number A505214. A Facebook page for this dog can be followed here.

Share this puppy’s plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives. Before deciding to bring a dog into your home, look at this photo carefully – an adorable puppy who was tossed aside after just a month or so in his first home. Either make the commitment to them or buy a stuffed animal. Their lives matter.

Carson Shelter, Gardena, California
216 Victoria Street, Gardena, California

Photos and video of 4-month-old puppy courtesy of Saving Carson Shelter Dogs.

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