Teenagers Find Ways to Help Animals in Need
Do you know how many of today’s youth are more interested in putting their phones down and doing something to help others? Not too many. A group of Florida high school kids, inspired by their amazing teacher, have found a way to learn life skills while helping animals in need. The students build dog houses and donate them to animal welfare organizations.
Barry Stewart is the amazing teacher inspiring kids to do more for other. He wanted to motivate his students to learn skills they will use as adults, helping them better prepare for the future, and in 2002 he started a program where his shop students learned basic construction skills while building dog houses. The houses are donated to the Houses for Hounds program run by the Forsyth County Animal Control.
Since the beginning of this program, the students have mastered construction skills and donated more than 600 dog house to low-income pet owners and animal welfare groups.
The teenagers have not only learned a wonderful skill, but this opportunity have also led them to design better homes for dogs in need. The houses now feature removable roofs, doorways positioned on the side of the homes to protect pets against wind, and a two-inch raised entryway to prevent pets from removing their beds.
This shows how the right guidance helps our future leaders to think of others first. Doing good things doesn’t take much, and the world would be a better place if compassion is taught at a young age.
The shop students now plan to add feeding stations to their goals and help even more animals in need. Think of all the homeless animals these feeding stations will help.
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