Teenager Dogs On A Date In This Hilarious Commercial…Just Wait Until Dad Steps In LOL

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It’s so nice to see a brand not take itself too seriously. I just can’t get enough of Subaru’s ‘dog tested, dog approved’ commercials. The clever series features an adorable family of goldens in a variety of very human situations, with a canine twist, of course. One notable example is when they go for a ride in the car and everyone starts barking. Soon, the audience sees what’s caused all the ruckus: a mailman!

In this version, a ‘teenage’ dog is in a car with her date, engaging in some puppy love.

Her dad, another adorable golden, looks through the curtain and soon his overprotective stare makes the date leave. Sound familiar? Check out the hilarious commercial below:


So cute and funny! What’s your favorite advertisement featuring dogs? Let us know in the comments!

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