Tearful Boy Gives Heartfelt Goodbye To His 17-Year-Old Dog

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Saying goodbye is painful but this little boy will have their special memories… FOREVER!

BaoBao is 17 years old. Her health has declined rapidly due to old age. She can no longer walk and her senses are starting to fail. Her human has decided it would be better to send her off to the Rainbow Bridge now before it becomes too painful to live.

BaoBao’s best friend, a little boy with a big heart, is by her side to say goodbye. He is filled with tears, each one proof that a love like this will last forever.

The small boy tries to make sense of everything, and while his father explains it to him, he is still painfully aware that none of this is fair. Why should he have to say goodbye? The truth will become more and more clear as he gets older but for now, this loss, the loss of his furry best friend, is heartbreaking.

BaoBao will live on forever in the little boy’s heart for the rest of his life.

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