Great Dane
TagFirefighters Rescue Great Dane… from a Tree?
You’ve seen it a million times: a dog gets stuck in a tree, a heroic fireman brings his trusty ladder and climbs up, rescues the dog, and the whole town, who has gathered below, erupts into cheers…
Great Dane from Nevada Expected to Take Record for World’s Tallest Dog
Yes, yes. All of us dog people know that great Danes can be some of the biggest dogs around. Well, meet Rocko. He’s a member of the Helms-Williams family, and they are now trying to get him …
Rescued Calf Refuses to Believe He’s Not a Puppy
Goliath looks like a cow. He smells like a cow. But he certainly doesn’t act like a cow. He was rescued from a dairy farm, and now – while he’s small – he’s living life inside with a Great Dane,…
This HUGE Great Dane Is Completely Mesmerized By This Tiny Puppy
There’s just something so overwhelmingly adorable about seeing a very large dog interacting sweetly with a very tiny dog. In the case of the video you’re about to see, we’re talking very very tiny….
5 Month Old Great Dane Doesn’t Need Anyone To Walk Him But Himself!
Dogs depend on humans for almost everything. They depend on us to give them basic necessities like shelter and food. But sometimes, you get to meet dogs who just want to be independent. They want t…