Golden Retrievers
TagOff-Duty Trooper Helps Elderly Couple Bury Beloved Dog
Henry and Edith Meininger are both 92 years old. They’ve had many pets over their years together and were understandably grief stricken when they found Hoku, their beloved 12-year-old golden retrie…
Everyone (Almost) into the Pool! Golden Pup Practices His Paddle
Do golden retrievers love the water? Splish, splash, they do! And sometimes they even practice the doggie paddle before diving in, as demonstrated (in a YouTube video posted by NewWorld) by an ador…
Golden Retrievers invade owner’s privacy during bath time
All she wants to do is take a bath, but that is becoming rather difficult for this dog owner when you have a pair of Golden Retrievers hovering over your every move. Time to queue up ‘Every Breath …