dogs and cats
TagDog and Cat Best Mates Have a Cuddle Before a Snooze
What could possibly be better than a nap on a soft couch in the middle of the afternoon? Taking a nap and cuddling with your best friend, that’s what!
Ginger Dog Is in Love with His Ginger Kitten
Meet Bubba and Rue. They’re a pair of gingers that are so darn cute together, it’s all but impossible to keep one’s self from squealing with delight! They met not long ago, and became friends very…
Baby Kitten Won’t Let Go of Canine Best Friend
Somehow, the myth that cats and dogs don’t ever get along was started, and it caught on like wild fire. However, those in the know are aware that this isn’t really always the case. In fact, many …
Dog Is Confused by the Newest Addition to the Family
This poor malamute does not know what to do with this… thing his human has brought into the home. Now, his human wants him to “baby sit,” whatever that means, this noisy little thing.
Dog in a Mask Freaks out Orange Cat
A dog in a zebra mask is apparently enough to put this poor cat off! Check out some more cool videos here!
Check out some more cool videos here!