Sweet Pit Bull Is So Gentle With This Chicken – The Chicken Couldn’t Be More Grateful
The two chickens lived with the Corsos for three years, but sadly, Daisy passed away. “She passed away peacefully and very loved in my arms,” Corso said.
Rosie was left alone, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, she seemed to run away from every animal she met; that is until she met Maggie. Maggie was a stray dog that was found wandering the streets of Compton, CA.
The poor dog was covered in fleas, showed signs of a past injury or trauma, and it was clear that she had just given birth. “I wish more than anything that I knew Maggie’s complete backstory but unfortunately, no matter how many times I ask her, she still hasn’t been able to vocalize it,” Corso said.
The couple tried to locate Maggie’s family without any luck. It wasn’t long before they decided to introduce her to Rosie – if they hit it off, Maggie was meant to be a part of their family. The second that Maggie approached Rosie, the chicken didn’t run away.
It was almost as if Rosie knew Maggie just needed someone to love and trust as well. Continue to the next page for more on this adorable pair and how they progressed.
It wasn’t long before Maggie and her chicken friend Rosie were cuddle partners.
“They are now best of friends,” Corso said. “Rosie appreciates having a new sister to waddle around with, even if she is a different species than her Daisy sister. Maggie seems to have adopted the role of chicken protector. She doesn’t take her eyes off her sis when they are outside and when they are inside together she lets Rosie steal her beds and food and drink her water.”
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