Sweet Dog Cries for Joy in His Soldier Daddy’s Lap
Indeed, dogs are man’s best friend. This story explains the reason why dogs and men have always being best of inseparable friends. That since humanity, men and dogs have refused to break their age long relationships and end a long time period of inexplicable friendship. The whole thing begins with a successful homecoming of a US Soldier – Lt. Gary Daughterly, who had being away from home for about six months. He had barely reached the top of the stairs when he was met by his lovable and amazing furbaby, Bugaboo who on hearing and recognizing his voice immediately ran to meet him half way, welcoming him with hugs and kisses. The black Labrador was so carried away with emotion that she could not hide her feelings. The soldier’s unannounced return back home came as a surprise to the dog and to that effect the huge black, strongly built Canadian dog could not help but cry like a baby dog. The sight of her soldier daddy, for the first time in six months overwhelmed her so much that she found herself all over him. Her behavior by instincts made it difficult for the soldier to take another step.
After managing to find a couch to sit on, she hurriedly came up and sat on his laps to continue with her heartfelt speeches of delight and emotion. Returning from deployment, the soldier had not even gotten his boots of his feet before, entering into moments of unspeakable demeanor with his loving dog.
This explains that the act of showing or exhibiting concerns when a loved one is away is not only featured in humans alone but in dogs as well. Bugaboo portrayed a sense of responsibility on seeing her daddy soldier unexpectedly. The surprise of his return made the dog go emotionally crazy. She seemed to affirmatively reply every question he asked her e.g. when he asked “did you miss me?” she seemed to have solidly replied “yes of course” in her own way.
The dog was not the only living thing in the house at that time, yet she never cared about others, she obviously acted as if she was the only member of the family to have missed him a great deal. Who would have believed that a dog could show such excitement and could miss human better than humans themselves.
Although the dog was obviously short of words to explain and express her feelings, it was evidently clear that she was passing a message of care, concern and love through strong emotions. It was evident too that she had lots and lots to tell him.
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