Surrendered 18 yr old dog clings to kind woman at shelter
Update: Rescued!
After being surrendered to a busy, high intake animal control agency in California, an 18-year-old dog had little to find comfort in…until a kind woman stopped to hold her. Photographer John Hwang was present when the touching moment took place at the Baldwin Park Shelter.
Hwang wrote about the moment:
Being in an unfamiliar environment, she felt the warm loving touch of Elaine and clung to her. All she wanted was to be held the whole time…
The 18-year-old dog, named “Muneca,”is blind and covered in fleas…she was surrendered to the Baldwin Park Shelter on October 11. You can help this senior dog find a loving home, or a reputable rescue agency, by taking a moment to share her adoption information.
Petharbor link here. Los Angeles County Animal Control – Baldwin Park at (626) 962-3577
Ask for information about animal ID number A3254323
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