This Stunning Footage Of A Dog Skating Will Take Your Breath Away

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Oftentimes, winter means less exercise for our beloved dogs. Try as we may, some of them just do not like the cold. For those who do, though…this has got to be the coolest (pun intended) option we’ve come across for getting rid of that pent up energy and having fun.

In the video below, a dog is seen having the absolute time of his life ‘skating’ on an iced over lake in Jämtland, located in the northwestern part of Sweden.The 10cm thick ice of Lake Blanktjärn makes it the perfect spot for this happy dog’s owner to practice her skill. But, like any true best friend, her fur baby is along for the ride. Or should we say…he’s leading the ride?

The 10 cm-thick ice is crystal clear – you can see fish swimming! This really is amazing footage. Look at that guy go! It’s obviously a wintertime activity that both he and his human love, especially if they’re doing it together.

Check it out!

So. Cool. This video not only reminded us that dogs are incredible…but it also made us add Sweden to our bucket list.

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