Street Dog Saves Woman From Being
It was a street dog to the rescue! A woman was saved from getting robbed by a pickpocket by a dog who just happened to witness the whole thing.
In the short clip (see clip below), a man in a yellow hoodie is walking behind a woman loaded down with grocery bags. She is casually walking with her purse slung over her left arm.
She is completely unaware she is being followed, but the dog sitting in the street observes the pair walking by.
Suddenly the thug walks alongside the woman and grabs at her handbag, pulling her to the ground. But he wasn’t counting on the dog coming to her rescue!
The dog who was sitting so calmly seconds before springs into action and attacks the man, lunging at his rear end and heels.
Realizing he’s got more than he can handle, the thief dashes away being chased by the dog, who continues to nip at his legs.
The footage appears to be a cell phone recording of surveillance footage, but it’s unclear where it was filmed or if the dog is a stray, or belongs to someone in the neighborhood. But one thing for sure, this heroic dog is “taking a bite out of crime”.
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