Street Dog Lured Out From Under Car Is So Friendly Despite Her Condition

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Animal Aid Unlimited received a call on their hotline about a street dog suffering from advanced mange. If they didn’t get to her in time, her condition could become too severe to treat. So the team set out immediately in hopes of making a quick rescue.

When rescuers showed up, they found the hairless stray hiding underneath of a car. With a little bit of bit of sweet talking and a handful of treats, they were able to lure the dog out in the open. While her face was covered in scabs, it was the rest of her body that caught their attention — she had lost all of her fur. Despite her disease the dog was so full of love. Just look at that little tail wagging! She allowed rescuers to pick her up and place her in the vehicle to be transported back to the facilities.

There was good news — her mange was not beyond repair. The treatment would take three to four weeks, but they expected the dog to make a full recovery. The vets gave her IV fluids and applied a lotion to soothe the scabs on her face. Then it was medicated baths twice a week for the sweet little patient. Now it’s time to see Pepper today! 🙂

Thousands of dogs in India lose their lives every year because of mange. But thanks to donations and by simply watching this video, Animal Aid was able to save this one. Pepper is a survivor!

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