Stray Dog Covered In Scabies Makes His Way To The Front Of A Hospital

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When we see a dog in need, we often want to do anything we can to assist them. This sometimes means going the extra mile to ensure they get the necessary help.

Such a situation happened in front of a hospital in Greece. A little dog, thought to be about one year old, was outside of the hospital looking for food.

Fortunately, a kind person contacted Ermioni, cofounder of D.A.R. Animal Rescue. It wasn’t long before she arrived and started calling out to the dog.

She tried but little “Alfie” was not easily enticed. She tried to get his interest with a piece of food, but he still wasn’t interested. He just wanted to find some discarded scraps and didn’t want anything to do with the humans.

The break came when Alfie stopped to eat some bread he had found. Ermioni quickly threw her jacket over his head, giving her enough time to catch him and bring him to safety.

Ermioni took Alfie to a veterinarian where they treated his mange. He was so itchy from scabies that he could hardly stand still and could not calm down.

After being at the shelter for a little while and getting the proper treatment, he began to adapt. He started to feel better, and within a few months, he had his fur growing back again.

Even better than having a new coat, Alfie had a new outlook on life. He is a friendly puppy that will make an excellent addition to a forever family.

DAR Animal Rescue shared Alfie’s story on YouTube so you can see his rescue for yourself:

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