Strangers Give Marine A Puppy. The Reason Is So Emotional It’ll Make You Sob!

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While perpetrating his patriotic duty, Marine Cpl. Justin McLoud, almost gifted his country with the ultimate sacrifice. The year was 2010 and while crossing a bridge in Afghanistan, an IED blasted apart his company.

The resulting mayhem, cost the brave hero both his legs and his arm. Since that horrific experience his tour of duty was put on hold permanently.

His only dream, after the almost fatal explosion, was to hold, among many things, a loyal service dog. An action that did not seem compatible due to the nature of his injuries.

McLoud was given his new, trained, puppy just outside a dinner. Speechless and with tears in his eyes, he accepted the proffered black labrador with nothing but love in his heart.

Witness the raw emotions displayed in the following video. And once more give thanks to the kindness of strangers

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