Stolen therapy dog finally reunited with owner

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Nearly a month ago, Mia, a therapy dog, was stolen in a carjacking incident in Lakewood, Colorado – now, she has finally been reunited with her owner. According to 6 ABC News, the 10-year-old pit bull had been taken in by a good Samaritan.

Mia’s owner, Darren Schook, had been using the, Fight Breast Cancer, Not Pit Bulls,Facebook page to try and locate the missing dog. Schook’s posts about his missing dog were shared thousands of times – he has expressed gratitude to everyone who took the time to try and find his dog, and especially to Jon Peters, the man who took her in.

On March 29, a post about the man who brought Mia back to her owner was made on the Fight Breast Cancer, Not Pit Bulls Facebook page:

“Meeting Mr Peters bless his heart a humble man himself said he had gotten Mia from a family member to whom witnesses the evilness of Eugene Gmilo Mathews carjacker … Pushed Mia out of truck took off… Family witness picked Mia up…. Bless you mystery angel.”

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