Stand Back, This Dog’s Going To Try SCIENCE!

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A California college student’s service dog has gone viral in a Twitter post where the dog in the lab is not ACTUALLY a Lab, but people are loving the pic nonetheless! 😉

Tara Howard is enrolled at California Polytechnic State University. She tweeted a shot of her classmate’s service dog, Annie, (now in training), as she accompanied owner and fellow student Allie Spencer in the chem lab.

Spencer had dressed the dog accordingly in safety goggles and booties.

“One of my teammates has a dog in her Chem lab.. he’s also required to wear goggles during lab,” Howard wrote. (Howard later found out that Annie was a “she.”)

Annie accompanies Spencer at her Friday chemistry labs on Friday. She said the dog is allowed, but is required to wear the proper goggles — or “doggles,” Buzzfeed reported.

“In that picture she was actually waiting for me to come back to the table,” Spencer told reporters for the site. “She stands up when I walk away and waits for me to come back.”

“She’s really well behaved,” she said.

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