Staff Sergeant Cries Tears Of Joy When He’s Reunited With His Military Dog After 3 Years Apart
Air Force Staff Sergeant Adam Wylie hasn’t seen his nine-year-old retired military dog in three long years.
Emra wasn’t just Adam’s military dog while he served overseas, but she was also his best friend. She was there for him through his darkest times and helped him get through so much. Wylie was deployed 25 days after the birth of his daughter, so the timing was horrible. But Emra was his emotional support through it all.
Being apart was extremely hard for both of them. But Wylie had to wait until Emra retired from the military before he could adopt her. Now that she is nine years old and too old to serve, that time has finally come!
When the best friend duo reunited for the first time in three years, Wylie couldn’t help but tear up. He grabbed Emra’s face and gave her lots of kisses. And I’m sure Emra was thrilled to see him as well! Now they can enjoy retirement together, and don’t ever have to worry about being apart ever again. Wylie’s number one goal is to give Emra a happy life, and I’m sure Emra is already as happy as can be to be back with her best friend.
Watch their tear-jerking reunion in the video below:
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