Soul Survivor Of A Dog Fight Operation Learns To Love Again

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When Elvira was found, she was the only survivor of a horrific scene. Surrounding the pup were the decaying bodies of dogs who had been victims of the nightmare.

Elvira was alive, but barely hanging on. The emaciated pup was taken to a shelter, but they knew they didn’t have the proper resources to care for the dog who so desperately needed a second chance. So, they reached out to Dogs Deserve Better, a rescue that is dedicated to the rehabilitation of abused and neglected dogs.

Watch Elvira’s story below:

Elvi’s New Beginning from Melissa Crampton on Vimeo.

Music: “True Colors” by Cyndi Lauper

What a difference for Elvi! We’re thrilled to see her living the happy, healthy life that she truly deserves. Thanks to Dogs Deserve Better for giving her a second chance and sharing her journey with us!

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