Sixty Dogs Surrendered to the Broome Humane Society Are Looking for New Homes
The Broome County Humane Society will be playing host to sixty dogs that were all surrendered to the shelter at one time by one person. This was not a case of a puppy mill or some sort of hoarding, but the person taking care of all of those animals has been having health issues, and needed to downsize that number of dogs they had.
“I do not know how he got all these dogs, but I do know he sold puppies to people,” Humane Society Director Karen Matson said. “He clearly loved them, they’re all of good weight, but these (dogs) do need some grooming.”
Regardless of the condition they were brought to the shelter in, all of them will be getting a full medical evaluation. They will all be groomed and cleaned up, and all of them will be available for adoption very soon.
“They’re pretty cool,” said Matson, “though they’re maybe less social than some people would like. But once we spend more time with them we’ll get to know their personalities.”
Most of the dogs are thought to be Bichon/Maltese mixes, and although some of them are still getting adjusted to being in a shelter, many of their personalities are starting to shine through. Some of the dogs are still a bit jumpy and nervous, however when someone’s interacting with them, they calm right down.
“We’re not sure why some people would keep so many dogs; loneliness, maybe,” Matson said. “Some people might prefer animals over people — I don’t know.”
As stated before, all of the dogs will be groomed up and then be placed as available for adoption. As for now, the Broome County Humane Society is asking for donations to help them care for all sixty of the dogs while they are still there. They are also asking for help from people willing to volunteer their time to help care for the dogs as well.
They are also seeking assistance with the following supplies:
Large and small breed Pedigree dog food
Canned Pedigree dog food
Laundry detergent
Towels, small blankets
Donations can be made by going directly to the Humane Society Shelter at 2 Jackson St in Binghamton, NY, or you can click here to be taken to the website for more information on how to help out this very worthy cause.
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