Sick, Severely Emaciated Dog Left To Fend For Himself

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Sometimes, it takes just a chance meeting for those in need to get the assistance to improve their lives. In this case, it’s a dog called Charlie, and he couldn’t be happier with the intervention of some loving individuals. A passerby was traveling through rural South Carolina when he came upon Charlie, who didn’t look happy at all with his circumstances.

He seemed neglected, and instead of continuing on his way, the passerby snapped a photo of the pooch and shared it on social media. There was an outpouring of responses, and Imagine Pet Rescue contacted the authorities in order to rescue Charlie from a bad situation.


When he was brought in, he was suffering from starvation and severe mange, but he’s well on his way to recovery, and hopefully, his forever family will come by soon to take him to his new home.

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